The Four Month Milestone

  • Can you see Mom's arm holding her up back there?
  • This looks like we caught her in some act.
  • Talking to the camera man!
  • Dad thinks that's one sweet smile.
  • Heavenly.
  • Blowing a kiss to the fans.
  • Mom loves these goofy faces.
  • Laugher too? We couldn't believe it.
  • Smiling at the hidden Mom, of course.
  • Sepia makes it even better.
  • Can she really read it? Who knows?
  • Merry Christmas to all, from Summer.
  • Now that's one Jolly baby!

December 09, 2010

by James

Summer gave Mom and Dad their Christmas present a little early: she was an incredibly happy and cooperative subject for the first time at a photo shoot. We were shocked and the camera man (who's done three of her first four months of pictures) was certainly shocked. We just kept snapping amazing pictures, determined not to let a good thing go to waste. Therefore, I give you picture mania.

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