A Learning Machine
December 15, 2010
We read a book that mentions how children learn one thing and then all but drop it to move on to the next thing. It's one thing to read that though and another to see it in action. I think that's one of my favorite parts of watching Summer grow up.
Early on, she worked on making sounds. At some point though, she really cut back on that to focus on fine motor control of her hands and feet. I didn't realize how much she had dropped the speech thing until it showed back up in full force sometime last week.
Unfortunately, it was short lived. Speech is once again on the back burner this week as Summer works hard on rolling. She can get about three quarters of the way over now and she started with the much harder back to front roll.
The whole process is just like a machine at work. She picks a new topic, works on it like crazy, and moves on once she's satisfied. It's such an awesome thing to be able to watch.
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